Inspiring Creative Things Unrushed And Simplified

Every few years, I go through a decluttering exercise to identify creative inspirations and things that keep me sane. I've realized how often this means films, books, and songs for me. I think as a child these represented a refuge for me, and continue to do so. After 9 years, I also rewrote a personal… Continue reading Inspiring Creative Things Unrushed And Simplified

New books and new love: Ravan’s Lost Boon and 20odle 20o

In case readers of this blog was wondering where I'm at, I wanted to hide behind a couple of books doing rounds in my head for the last several months. Published by Peerbagh, these books are for children aged 3-12 years. Ravan's Lost Boon, by Vatsala Kakroo: Once I got the book pitched to me at… Continue reading New books and new love: Ravan’s Lost Boon and 20odle 20o

Mother’s Day Appropriate: The Forest of Enchantments

I've read a couple more books from Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, and also know that she's a prolific writer in that there are so many more to read. Each time I read her books, it reminds me that truth is multi-faceted. My own mental health dilemmas and therapist made me learn the language around our incessant… Continue reading Mother’s Day Appropriate: The Forest of Enchantments

In Custody

in custody anita desai book

Began this post in March, almost two months ago. And I'm continuing now because, life. In March I traveled to India for a month to be with my parents who continue to battle with their health. Now, back in Michigan, I feel like I don't know where to start. I have so many open "projects"… Continue reading In Custody

Snow, Herath, and Nectar in a Sieve

Invariably on Herath — the festival celebrating Shiva's grand wedding with Parvati, like a miraculous white Christmas, Pandits expected snow. During the Afghan rule in Kashmir, Jabbar Khan, the governor of the valley barred all Hindus from celebrating Herath in winter. Since they usually expected snow and worshipped a Shiv linga made of snow he… Continue reading Snow, Herath, and Nectar in a Sieve

What We Call the Beginning is Often the End

the ending is the beginning

What we call the beginning is often the end And to make and end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from... Every phrase and every sentence is an end and a beginning... - Little Giddings, T.S. Elliot As I absorb this, it feels like Elliot borrowed from nature and Indian… Continue reading What We Call the Beginning is Often the End

Our 30s are the decade where friendship goes to die

The pandemic has taken all my leftover extraversion out of me. My husband would tell you, I am not an extrovert, to begin with. This is perhaps true - I am a very talkative introvert and not gregarious at all. But I belong to a very loud family of Kakroos talking incessantly. Things do shift… Continue reading Our 30s are the decade where friendship goes to die

My Intention Today Is to: Show Up For Myself

I've started this year with three hours in the ER waiting for COVID results (negative eventually, so far) and the diagnosis of an ear infection for my toddler. And although it's only the 11th day of January, March 2020 v3 continues unabated. We have had canceled events, postponed health appointments, family COVID cases, family illnesses,… Continue reading My Intention Today Is to: Show Up For Myself

6 Months And a Lifetime In Therapy

Six years ago when we moved to the United States, I was finding my way through this country as a new immigrant fresh off the plane from India via Germany. On some days when I really struggled (which now feels trivial, though I still remember a few aspects), I told my husband that I should… Continue reading 6 Months And a Lifetime In Therapy