Mother’s Day Appropriate: The Forest of Enchantments

I've read a couple more books from Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, and also know that she's a prolific writer in that there are so many more to read. Each time I read her books, it reminds me that truth is multi-faceted. My own mental health dilemmas and therapist made me learn the language around our incessant… Continue reading Mother’s Day Appropriate: The Forest of Enchantments

What We Call the Beginning is Often the End

the ending is the beginning

What we call the beginning is often the end And to make and end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from... Every phrase and every sentence is an end and a beginning... - Little Giddings, T.S. Elliot As I absorb this, it feels like Elliot borrowed from nature and Indian… Continue reading What We Call the Beginning is Often the End

Our 30s are the decade where friendship goes to die

The pandemic has taken all my leftover extraversion out of me. My husband would tell you, I am not an extrovert, to begin with. This is perhaps true - I am a very talkative introvert and not gregarious at all. But I belong to a very loud family of Kakroos talking incessantly. Things do shift… Continue reading Our 30s are the decade where friendship goes to die